What is life like in the Turkish city of Alanya

Alanya is a popular destination for many tourists nowadays. According to a recent newspaper, 31,500 foreigners from 82 different nationalities live in the country no later than during the year. These statistics were published by the council of foreigners in Alanya, which was established 15 years ago to help foreigners, who make up 10% of the population, integrate into society. Alanya is called the " miniature version of the UN in Turkey " due to the mixture of local Turkish and foreign cultures. Of course, Alanya's location on the Mediterranean coast is a great attraction and this is one of the reasons why foreigners choose Alanya as their permanent place of residence.

Alanya is a touristic city, but its colorful life goes beyond just the seasons. Everything that makes life easier for people is open in winter. That's why many people buy villas in Alanya to spend their holidays and settle down. There is no language barrier here. Most people in Alanya speak English. If English speaking people come across local people who don't speak English, they will find someone else who can speak English. Cities are constantly growing with new parks, schools, hospitals, beaches and much more. It is treated with great care by the mayor of Alanya and the local people. In 2018, the mayor was elected the best mayor of Turkey. This site is especially environmentally friendly. There are no landmarks warning about the main industries near the center of life. There are also beaches, banana plantations, mountain rivers and beautiful forests. Alanya also has a low cost of living. Fresh food is always cheaper than in most European countries. Prices for real estate and other services are also relatively affordable.

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